First my sweetie Dan wanted to know if I could make him a 1750's (F&I War) 
officer's coat for his portrayal of General Braddock next April.  Nothing 
fancy, of course, not a lot of trim--just something simple.  And he had a white 
waistcoat and breeches, so no need to worry about them.  Sounds do-able.

Then he started studying portraits of the uniform of the Coldstream Guards, 
Braddock's regiment.  Seems its not quite so simple after all--about 30 yards 
of gold braid.  Okay......

Then we looked at illustrations of Braddock's battle, and--darn, I do believe 
those breeches are blue, not white.  And he doesn't have blue breeches....

Then I got a look at his white waistcoat--it turned out to be 1770's, a far cry 
from a 1750s waistcoat.  Just will not do. So between now and April, I will be 
working on a fancy general officer's coat, breeches, AND waistcoat.  And I am a 
very slow seamstress.  Anyone know of a good source of midnight oil?

Jane in No VA
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