Gentles of the Lists,
 in particular those of you in the SCA whose personas play in W. Europe around 
AD1490, in researching garb from the late 15th century,  - I have discovered an 
excellent photo image 1,075 × 500 pixels, @100% - of a full-sized waxwork 
Tableau representing an instant at the Chateau of Langeais, during the marriage 
of King Charles VIII of France, and the Ruling Duchess Anne De Bretagne, on 6th 
December, 1491.  The replica garb is splendid beyond any words of mine to 
describe - you just have to see it to appreciate it's magnificence.
What makes the Tableau even more striking is that the effigies all have the 
recorded features of their historical personas, either copied from their 
portraits closest in date to Dec, 1491, or re-created through "facial 
reconstructions" by Official Forensic Artists who normally assist the French 
Police to identify skeletalised remains.
The pin-sharp image is the work of a photographer who is identified only as 
Tango7174 - and deserves thanks from us all for making it freely available 
under the GNU Free Documentation License,.

The marriage was reported in great detail by contemporary chroniclers, and 
clothing details were doubly-recorded, - by also being entered in the 
now-archived Wardrobe Accounts of the Duchy of Brittany, and those of the Court 
of France.

I am given to understand that the Tableau is the result of an in-depth research 
and reproductionproject  by the French equivalent of "English Heritage", - and 
unconstrained by cost-constraints. {Government Departments can always spend 
more on things like this than private individuals.
The replica clothing shown is as accurate as might be expected from any 
National Heritage Organisation supported from Government funds. 
 I was recommended to visit the Chateau de Langeais  to see their exhibition 
and this Tableau, by the staff at the nearby Chateau de Susciniou, during my 
recent visit there.
For your interest I am attaching the picture as a jpeg file. 
If any of your lists do not allow attachments, but you still want a copy of the 
excellent photo, send me your e-mail addresses offlist, and I'll send you 
individual copies.

In Service to the Medieval Dream

Matthewe Baker,
 Hospitaller for West Dragonshire, Drachenwald.

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