Santa barbara area. It's home. . . but the fabric prospects are grim :)

    == Marjorie Wilser

=:=:=:Three Toad Press:=:=:=

"Learn to laugh at yourself and you will never lack for amusement." --MW

On Jan 19, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Kimiko Small wrote:

If you travel to Bakersfield, then don't go in the late spring to summer seasons, when yes it will be very hot in our valley. Or days of fog in the winter. I live in Fresno, but visit Bakersfield on occasion, usually to visit their large warehouse fabric store (F&M Fabrics). But I would rather trek south to the garment district and park on a roof than try and find decent natural fiber fabric at my local Hancock's any day, sad to say. Although yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to find my local Hancock's actually carrying real 100% linen, but their prices on sale is at least double to triple the price I find in L.A.

I guess mileage varies. :-)

btw, Marjorie, where do you live?

Kimiko Small
"Be the change you want to see in the world." ~ Ghandi

The Tudor Lady's Wardrobe pattern

From: Marjorie Wilser <>
If I want to drive 45 miles there's a huge, messy, jumbled-together Joannn's. Or, for 120 miles in nightmare traffic, I can go to the LA garment district and drive around looking for a parking place.

Of your three, Hancock was the best in the San Jose area, but now, the closest is over 100 miles inland and in the worst climate. Whoever put the Bake in Bakersfield was sure right! :)

   == Marjorie Wilser

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