
You must have had _some_ Grandmother! I should think a book of all her advice would be an excellent read. Mine was pretty clever, too, but I'm not sure her advice would fill a book. Unfortunately, she lived too far away for constant contact.

    == Marjorie Wilser

=:=:=:Three Toad Press:=:=:=

"Learn to laugh at yourself and you will never lack for amusement." --MW

On May 4, 2010, at 8:46 AM, AVCHASE wrote:

Hi, All:

My Grandmother told me to save my hair in a net bag (for making rats), I should make and once a year wash it, sqeeze out the moisture in a towel, and hang to air dry. She said I'd have to make new bags to replace the old as silk net eventually rots; then along came nylon. However, I never did that. But now I save all combings in a recycled boutique tissue box in the back of a drawer. I don't save it for rats though. I save it to cut up for potting plants. It's nitrogen. I could make rats if desired. Frn, should I write a book about all the things my Grandmoter told me, like the possible bath, how to change clothes in a moving carriage or sleigh, or how to how make the cat stay when moved to a new home?
Best to all, Audy.

in the high boonies of Central Texas

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