You may want to check E-bay to see what similar items are going for. As "special occasion" clothing, wedding dresses do tend to be saved. They have more sentimental value to people in the family than to others.

Is there a drycleaner who specializes in wedding dresses who can assess the condition? It may look good but have dry rot and not suitable to wear. The larger the size, the easier it would be to find a bride interested in it.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:05 AM, Rebecca Tonkin wrote:

Hi All:
My great-aunt recently unearthed an old wedding dress from 1935. It is apparently (I haven't seen it) in good condition. My question is, does such a dress have any value? and if so, where would be best to enquire about selling it? I live in Australia.
Thanks for any help,

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