On Oct 14, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Rachael Watcher wrote:

Humm, fascinating. I never used one of the tools shown for finger braiding work. Just stuffed a loop into the existing loop then tightened. Rinse and

I think I know what you're talking about -- is it this?

I'm happy to discover the term "butterfly stitch" for this, BTW, because I've never known what to call it.

The problem here is that there are certainly many techniques that involve loops, and fingers, and produce a braid, that can be done without tools.

Some -- but not all of them -- are what is now being called "fingerloop braiding" here. This is a technical term that was invented in the late 20th century to label a particular set of techniques like what Ginni was describing, involving loops held on the fingers (or if you're Japanese, across the palms of your hands) and passed through each other without tightening.

I've seen butterfly stitch called "fingerloop braiding," and it's kind of problematic, because it does involve fingers, loops and braiding. But it isn't really "fingerloop braiding" in the technical sense.

http://fingerloop.org has lots of material on what's now being called "fingerloop braiding."


O    Chris Laning <clan...@igc.org> - Davis, California
+     http://paternoster-row.org - http://paternosters.blogspot.com

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