Thank you Carol.  I did the h-costume directory in 1997 or 1998.  I had
forgotten all about the directory.  That was fun!  It is so hard to believe
it has been 15 years online for my business.  My daughter Katie was 4 years
old when I started my business.  She would fall asleep in my lap while I was
on the computer.  Now she is in college.  

Drea Leed started her website just after mine. was after
Drea's.  Julie Zetterburg Sardo of The Costume Page and I finally met at the
last Costume-Con.  We talked about what were the first mega costume history
websites.  Hers was the first site.  Mine was third or fourth.  I can't tell
you how excited I was to meet Julie after talking online for so many years.
I also finally got to meet h-costumers old timers Sandy & Pierre and Robin
at the same Costume-Con!!!  What a blast!

So who are the old-timers on h-costume that are still here?  What year did
you join h-costume?   I joined in 1995 while taking my costume history
classes in college.  I was so excited to find out there were people all over
the world who loved costume history.  Today I guess people a lot of people
do not understand how little about historic costuming was online in the
mid-1990s.  H-costume was the only email list that I could find around the
time. Oher lists followed h-costume like Vintage clothing, f-costume
(fantasy) and h-needlework (historic).  F-costume is still around on
yahoogroups and h-needlework is on   I miss some of the
h-costumer old-timers who are not on the list anymore like RL Shep, Margo,
and Teddy.  I can't tell you what an important part of my education that
h-costumers played in my life.    Shep used to give me so much good advice
about publishing in this area.

Thank you to all h-costumers for 16 years of learning and friendship!
Penny Ladnier, owner
The Costume Gallery Websites
14 websites of fashion, costume, and textile history

h-costume mailing list

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