It isn't exactly what she said as she insisted that it had to be 1/4 inch 
twill tape as that is what was used then, but at least there is support 
for silk 
binding. Thank you so much!

From: Catherine Olanich Raymond <>
To: Historical Costume <>
Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 7:19:58 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] 15th c sewing technique

On 02/12/2011 01:18 PM, Beteena Paradise wrote:
> Recently, I was given some information which seems wrong to me. I was told 
> I should be using twill tape to stablize the neck and front opening of a
> (pre-tudor) mid-15th century laced front kirtle. To me, that sounds like a
> modern sewing technique, but the woman who told me this said that was the way
> the extant clothing was done. I've tried doing some research and can't find
> anything to confirm it. Does this sound right to anyone here? Thanks.

Take a look at "Textiles and clothing, c.1150-c.1450"
By Elisabeth Crowfoot, Frances Pritchard, Kay Staniland

Google Books has excerpts of it, but with out the photograph that (to my 
recollection) shows a piece of different fabric reinforcing the buttonholed 

The page (as redacted for Google Books) can be found here,  but you might be 
able to get it on Interlibrary Loan if you can't afford to buy it:

-- Cathy Raymond

"I'm a little bit disappointed that cat plus Internet doesn't equal
YouTube."— Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw

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