OK, despite my doubts, my-husband-the-programmer set up a Facebook business page. He set up a basic page and a catalog, using other publishers on Facebook for examples as to what to put on our page and how.

However, after several days our business page is still not searchable; therefore it is effectively invisible. Facebook's documentation does not mention the problem and they have no live help. People on the user forums my husband consulted think it is not searchable because we do not have a special Facebook business URL. However, we cannot get a Facebook business URL until after 25 or more people with Facebook accounts "like" the page. Apparently, these have to be users and not other Facebook business pages. The problem is, at this point no one cannot find the page unless we explicitly contact them and ask them to "like" it.

So, guys, I'd really, really appreciate it if some people on this forum could visit the page, and IF they like it, to press the Like button. (Hey, don't I deserve something for pointing out this problem to other people who plan to set up business pages?) Also, please tell me if our Like button is not working, or if anything else on the page is not working technically.

 We think the procedure is:

Log into your personal account.

Use the standard browser method to go to:


A Like button should appear next to the title.

When you click it, you will get a captcha dialog to verify that you are real.

Once you are through that, you are linked.

Thanks a lot,


Lavolta Press

Books on making historic clothing


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