I thought the hat should have had a portrait of the happy couple in
the frame below the bow.


On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Sharon Collier <sha...@collierfam.com> wrote:
> I swear, it looked like nothing other than one of those plastic, molded bits
> from the 1970's, that were painted gold and were used as wall decoration.
> Specifically, an oval picture frame with molded bow. I think my great aunt
> had one, or something very close, on her wall. It was hideous there, too.
> On a related note, people were saying her raccoon eye makeup looked awful,
> too. I saw a bit on TV, filmed before the wedding, in which Diane Sawyer was
> interviewing the hat designer, and who should drop by, but Princess
> Beatrice. Without makeup, just casually dressed. She was looked lovely.
> Sharon C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: h-costume-boun...@indra.com [mailto:h-costume-boun...@indra.com] On
> Behalf Of Danielle Nunn-Weinberg
> Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 11:58 PM
> To: Historical Costume
> Subject: Re: [h-cost] least favorite hat
> Yes, I have to concur, I forgot to mention that one.  LOL!  I can't decide
> if it was an alien trying to eat her head, or coming out of her head.
> Either that, or she decided she wanted to pay tribute to/compete with the
> trees in the Abbey????  <snicker>  The colour didn't do her any favours
> either, the grandmothers at my husband's brother's wedding wore colours like
> that, only with more sequins and beads...(which probably couldn't have made
> it any worse).
> Cheers,
> Danielle
> At 06:07 PM 4/29/2011, you wrote:
>>Well then. My least favorite hat, of the ones I was able to see well,
>>was HRH Beatrice's-- I think! The one wearing pink, with the odd
>>vertical sculpture on it.  Yeesh. You'd think she'd have noticed it
>>wasn't flattering. Or perhaps they didn't give her a 360 mirror.
>>Feathers, I can live with. But that thing was just plain odd. Her blue
>>sister's hat was simply unfortunate; but the pink one was an oddity.
>>     == Marjorie Wilser
>>=:=:=:Three Toad Press:=:=:=
>>"Learn to laugh at yourself and you will never lack for amusement."
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