hi Penny,

turns out most of what I found on-line is circular, back to an article "History 
of Matrimony", from some Italian wedding planner company!!!  Will look more 
tomorrow (Wed) in printed sources.  No help on either Philippa OR Anne!  

Although I did find one reference in Spanish < 
http://www.lebrelblanco.com/anexos/a0040.htm > that Anne was the first to use 
black for mourning (previously white = mourning)  hmm. there's politics 
there... modern, Basque vs Navarre; don't know if/how it would affect the 
historical stuff, well, the costume detail stuff...

anyway, will look in my costume library tomorrow and see if I can find anything.


On May 10, 2011, at 1:35 AM, <penn...@costumegallery.com> 
<penn...@costumegallery.com> wrote:

> Chimene,
> Do you have a source for that info?
> Penny Ladnier, owner
> The Costume Gallery Websites
> www.costumegallery.com
> 15 websites of fashion, costume, and textile history
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> http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Costume-Gallery-Websites/107498415961579 
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