I'm sorry but I forgot to change the subject line. That's what happens when 
 I try to do two things at once.  
In a message dated 5/18/2011 7:30:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
shashal...@aol.com writes:

I bought a beautiful piece of fabric to make a kirtle to wear under  a 
loose gown. The problem is the fabric has a latex backing on it. I tried  
looking up on the Internet on how to remove the backing. I tried a bit of nail  
polish remover on a corner of it and it looks like it might work but it's  
quite a lot of fabric to have to go over with the nail polish remover. I also  
thought of washing and drying it on a hot cycle but don't know how many 
times  I'd have to do that and if it would ruin the fabric. Does anyone have 
 experience on removing this backing or know how I could do  it?

Chris Perri

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