-----Original Message-----
From: C. S. Friedman c.s.fried...@comcast.net

I'm looking for reliable info on the methods of closure of Norman women's
dress. Period art or contemporary documentaiton (ie primary sources). 
Apparently there are sources claiming they were sewn into their garments,
and I wisht ot learn if that was 1) true, 2) true for all garments, and if
the answer to 2 is no, 3) what else was used? 
Any help for being pointed in the right dirction appreciated. 
That's a tricky one. I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, but it probably
wasn't true of all garments. If you're talking about the tightfitting gowns
that were fashionable during the mid 12th century, there is a great scarcity
of evidence and a great deal of debate about how they were put together.
However it's generally agreed that they were fastened by side-lacing (which
to my mind includes the option of sewing). There is one particular drawing
that illustrates this. I think it is reproduced in Kohler, but most images
of these styles of dress come from sculpture.

Searching for 'bliaut' will probably get you some useful results. 


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