
From: Kimiko Small <kim...@kimiko1.com>
To: Historical Costume <h-cost...@indra.com>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] cotton velvet/velveteen?

Unfortunately, my next project is solidly working class, and I really don't 
have space for a fabric stash anymore, so no shopping for me till this project 
is finished. And I havenn't even started it yet--unfortunately, the local SCA 
group meetings are about forty minutes away, and with my husband's extremely 
erratic work hours, I haven't been able to really get involved here in the 
Middle Kingdom. There is an event I'd like to attend coming up in December, 
though, and I do need a new dress for it. Probably should get started,,,

aka Queen of Procrastinators

I'll keep hunting. And thanks for the link to Fabric Guru, I don't think I've 
shopped there before.


Fabric Guru is awesome. 
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