Angelique wrote:

>Wool coating is fairly expensive, and I am hoping that it would be possible to 
>alter a sack style coat from a nearby thrift store. Do you think it's possible?

  From time to time I check out men's(or even women's) outer wear coats(it 
needs to be the long coat style) at my local thrift stores to see if I think 
they could be converted to a Victorian frock coat or a Regency tail coat. I 
look for a plain cut with little seaming.  Also the wool needs to be farily 
thin and stiff(as in melton)--not soft as most of our modern winter coats tend 
to be.  I visualize what marks might not be avoidable in the "new" jacket such 
as where a previous button might have been.  What gets me every time is the 
sleeve.  Modern sleeves are cut rather straight and converting them to a banana 
shape for the Victorian sleeve is not possible without piecing. I have yet to 
take the plunge but would like to try sometime just to see if it is doable.

  Charlene Roberts
h-costume mailing list

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