How about contacting the skool ... ?


Quoting Sharon Collier <>:

> I was helping my friend move her mom out of the house she's been living in
> for 40 years and we came across her dad's old school hat. He was born in
> England in 1919, so the hat is probably from about 1929 or so. It is made of
> wool, half black or dark navy and half white (now yellowed a bit from age).
> Even the button on top is half dark and half light! It has a crest on the
> front. My friend says her dad attended Spring Grove Secondary Modern School,
> in Houndslow. It has a label inside reading,"Warren Bros. Hatters and
> Hosiers, 247 High Street, Houndslow". It also says, "Unbreakable Rubber
> Peak", but the rubber is a bit crackly now. The hat is fully lined with a
> yellowish twill.
> My question is, would anyone want it? My friend was going to throw it in the
> garbage, but I thought someone on this list might be interested.
> Sharon C.
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