At 05:49 PM 2/6/2012, you wrote:
Hello, all.

I have questions about a beautiful outfit I saw in the 1970 version of the movie "Scrooge". The lovely Edith Evans portrays the Ghost of Christmas Past, and enters so beautifully dressed!

I have to copy it.

I know, it's Hollywood (okay, Shepperton), but it's just so lovely I'm willing to give up the authenticity factor.

I managed to get some still photos off the DVD.  They're on my Flickr site:

Now, the questions.
The book was published in 1843, but doesn't give Scrooge's age. That makes it very hard to guess what year the Ghost of Christmas Past originates. Scrooge was a little boy, but how many years have passed?

Ms. Evans appears to be wearing a bronze or green silk gown and a pannier, with a red wool overcoat or overdress with a peplum.

What would the gown underneath have looked like?

Am I even close in my guesses of what I'm seeing?

Scrooge was a relatively young man in c.1810-1820, when he worked for Mr. Fezziwig. His childhood could well have been in the late 18th century, say the 1780s to 90s. The neckline of the gown resembles those dated 1770-80, 1775-85, and 1780-90 in Janet Arnold, Patterns of Fashion 1 (c.1660-1860). they are described in Arnold as either a "polonaise" or open gown and petticoat. The neckline is made modest by a "buffon" or handkerchief worn around the neck and tucked into the neckline. Stays and a bustle pad or false rump was worn under the gown.

If I were making this outfit, I would base it on an open gown and petticoat.

Joan Jurancich

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