I am working on building my FSF costume for a group entry at Balticon in
May, after CC30, like last year, I"m going to be wearing purple, although
with far fewer beads.  My upstairs dress form is wearing 1860's
historical reproduction, for my upcoming Lunacon costume.  Unfortunatley
I keep getting sidetracked by amazing quilt ideas--the quilting lady has
4 of my quilts in progress right now, and I have at least two more I have
to bring to her!

Yours in cosutming, Lisa A

On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 23:32:10 -0500 Pierre & Sandy Pettinger
<costu...@radiks.net> writes:
> Currently in process are Pierre's and my F/SF entries and Fashion 
> Show entries for Costume Con 30.
> Sandy
> At 08:27 PM 3/12/2012, you wrote:
> >It's that time of year when the calendar is full of spring teas,
> >summer holidays, Titanic era parties, winter balls, company 
> dinners,
> >the spring theater season, LARP goodness. You might even be 
> planning a
> >sojourn to thrilling foreign locale.  Whatever the reason, 
> h-costumers
> >are probably making something.  So, what's your dressmaker's dummy
> >wearing today?
> >--cin
> >Cynthia Barnes
> >cinbar...@gmail.com
> >
> >PS. It's ok to run into the sewing room, toss something marvelous 
> on
> >the dummy and *then* tell us about it. It's also ok to tell what's 
> in
> >your design sketchbook, on the worktable, in the quilt frame, at 
> the
> >sewing machine or in the embroidery hoop.
> International Costumers' Guild Archivist
> http://www.costume.org/gallery2/main.php
> "Those Who Fail to Learn History
> Are Doomed to Repeat It;
> Those Who Fail To Learn History Correctly -
> Why They Are Simply Doomed."
> Achemdro'hm
> "The Illusion of Historical Fact"
> -- C. Y. 4971
> Andromeda 
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