Just got to watch this for the first time; and it was truly wonderful and
summed up a lot of what I believe about why I costume, espeically my
interest in certain historical periods.  Even though I am not an actor,
when I wear my costumes/historical clothing with the appropriate
undergarments, I feel more connected to the period and history in
general.  It is how I have learned that people in history weremuch the
same as we are (only with perhaps  fewer distractions).
In the slide show, the close-up detail shots were amazing--the
pincushions, thread, shelves of labeled bins with buttons, etc.   

Yours in costuming,Lisa A

On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 21:23:07 +0100 Linda Walton
<linda.wal...@dsl.pipex.com> writes:
> A costume drama at Sands Films studios – audio slideshow | Film | 
> guardian.co.uk
> A costume drama at Sands Films studios – audio slideshow:
> 'This is where an actor meets their character for the first time,' 
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