A new exhibition opens tomorrow in London at The Wallace Collection:

The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe

It runs from Thursday 17th May, 2012 to Sunday 16th September, 2012.

The web page has a detailed description of the goodies on display and their context, and it might be worth looking out for coverage in the media soon.

Also, I've heard that one of the portraits will be "The Laughing Cavalier" (1624) by Frans Hals. If you go to


there is a a description and a photo, and if you click on the photo a separate window opens, showing an enlargement in which you can see in detail his lace, and his silk costume with all its symbols of love.

If anyone happens to be in London and visits this exhibition, perhaps they'd tell us more about it?

Linda Walton,
(in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.).
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