Dear all,

I was asked by a friend about the correct name for a hat type worn by women in 
late 19th century England. And while I do historical costuming, the 19th 
century is really not my thing, so I thought I would ask the experts here.

She described it as a small top hat, bigger and flatter than the miniature top 
hats you see in steampunk garb, often swathed in ribbon and tulle. 

Picture examples: 

-, the one on the far 
left, though that may be a mutant bonnet.
-, on the right.  That's 
bigger and less frouffy (technical term :-) ) than I was thinking of.
- , the middle hat, 
which makes me think that maybe what I'm seeing is a small bonnet worn on top 
of the head? 
Is there a common name for this type of hat? Or are there several different 
ones depending on minute details in appearance and/or construction, 
alternatively no specific name at all?

With thanks,
Lena (mostly lurking)
h-costume mailing list

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