
It's funny. . . you could say the same thing about modern productions of Victorian and Georgian fashions. Bareheaded women (and gloveless, too! the horror!) running around outside, neither properly coifed nor hatted. With so much emphasis on getting the clothing right, why not the hair/hat styles!!

== Marjorie Wilser (hoping very much that we get The White Queen over here. . . someday)

        =:=:=:Three Toad Press:=:=:=
"Learn to laugh at yourself and you will never lack for amusement." --MW

On Jul 24, 2013, at 7:55 AM, Kate Bunting wrote:

As the list seems very quiet at the moment, I thought I'd ask what UK
members who know about the Middle Ages think of the costumes in "The White Queen"? (It's a series based on 3 of Philippa Gregory's novels currently
running on the BBC.)

I know little about mediaeval costume, but my impression is that they have fallen into the same trap as the designers for "The Tudors" - the women
show too much hair and not enough linen. Only a few older women wear
headdresses. I assume this is supposed to make the leading ladies more
attractive to modern eyes.

Kate Bunting
Retired librarian & 17th century reenactor.
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