Kind of. I guess each query gets it's turn in sequence. Someone else can probably answer that better.

I think with multi-threaded off, even read operations are done sequentially, not simultaneously.

Yes, if multi-threaded is on then multiple queries can be running at the same time.

Turning it on means that multiple queries can run at the same time, so long running queries won't block.

Don't know if it increases effeciency. I think the main bottleneck is disk IO, so probably wouldn't make a lot of difference.

I turned it on because I needed to still have queries running while the database was backing up, but I have had a few odd issue.

Don't take everything I say as gospel, it is just from my experience in using H2.

Hope this helps. Ryan

On 27/05/2010 6:38 PM, Rami Ojares wrote:
Thanks Ryan!

> Don't get confused between concurrent transactions and multi-threaded access

I am trying to but ain't easy :-)
So if I understand it correctly h2 manages multiple connections giving them each a slice of operation time in to the actual database (the file on the disk) And if multi threaded is false only one operation can make changes to that file (transaction log being part of that file) But if multi threaded is true then more than one connection can manipulate that file at the same time. And the only reason to turn this on would be to increase the efficiency of the database, I assume.
Does this increase efficiency in practice?

- rami

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