I have created some issues regarding casting in your tracking system,
of which I'm pretty sure they're bugs:


In general, I'm curious about the default policy in H2 as far as
casting is concerned. I'm asking this before I start entering more
bugs :-)

By policy I mean a policy regarding constructs like

-- which one is better/safer? all bind variables are ints...
select ? from dual
select cast(? as int) from dual

select ? + ? from dual
select cast(? as int) + cast(? as int) from dual

select ? || ? from dual
select cast(? as varchar) + cast(? as varchar) from dual
select cast(cast(? as int) as varchar) + cast(cast(? as int) as
varchar) from dual

So, when should I always cast, and when can I expect H2 to derive a
type from

a) the query syntax
b) the bind variable type
c) the query outcome

For reference, this is my experience as far as bind variable casting
is concerned with various RDBMS. Note the major RDBMS are all very
flexible as far as casting and type-safety is concerned. I guess
that's a lot of work, to be so flexible...

Officially type-safe (or in other words almost absent support for
deriving types). With these RDBMS I must cast, or I'm lost:
- DB2
- Derby

Deriving quite a lot of types, but with the odd bug in weird query
syntax constructs (the way I love them for my tests):
- H2

Deriving almost all types with very few "bugs":
- Ingres
- Sybase

Very flexible, no need for casting:
- Oracle
- Postgres
- SQL Server

Officially type-unsafe (all types are equal, i.e. you can put any
string in a number column, for whatever reason anyone wants to do
- SQLite

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