I just deduce this from your comment that 'there are many idle threads floating around' because if the thread is short living you won't see much threads around (and thats where a Threadpool can help reduce the thread allocation costs), but if the thread is sitting around (waiting for I/O, blocked on wait/monitors) he is from the OS point of view "idle" or "blocked" but a threadpool won't change anything here (in fact with a bound threadpool you are effectifly limiting the number of active connection(threads)).

Am 20.02.2012 20:23, schrieb cowwoc:
On 20/02/2012 11:15 AM, Christoph Läubrich wrote:
> Quoting from the Javadoc of the first link: "Threads that have not been used for sixty seconds are terminated and removed from the cache. > Thus, a pool that remains idle for long enough will not consume any resources." I think you are getting the doc wrong! 'Idle' here means: 'Threads that have not been used' aka finished executing the run() method of the executable! If your thread is runnin in an endless loop, it won't be reclaimed!

I agree, but why would the thread run in an endless loop? Doesn't H2 have the ability to spin off a new thread per request?


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