
I don't think your bounding box and the geometry CRS are the same in your 

You should also use rs.getObject("the_geom"), it returns a jts Geometry 
object. The same way for prepared statements parameters you should use 
setObject(p, myBBox)


Nicolas FORTIN

H2GIS team member

Développeur d’applications - AI
Laboratoire d’Acoustique Environnementale (LAE)
Ifsttar Nantes, Route de Bouaye, CS 4, 44344 Bouguenais Cedex

Le mardi 15 mars 2016 18:57:16 UTC+1, Bernd Lauert a écrit :
> Thank you,
> I discovered that when i'm only using srid:4326 layers there are no 
> problems at all and its working perfect. When i add a srid:28992 layer as 
> first layer my 4326 layers are 1 at 30 times not displayed. When i use my 
> srid:28992 layers as last layer it works 9 at 10 times but that one time 
> when it doesen't work one of my 4326 layer is gone or all the 4326 layers 
> are gone. Also the h2gis i get when i use orbisgis maven h2gis-dist seems a 
> little bit more stable then the zip from h2gis.org. I will keep 
> experimenting and give updates.

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