Spark contains an embedded jetty out of the box, and it's compatible with 
SSL and keystores.

I might contribute code if you open a github project. I usually handle this 
"proxy" access to H2 using jruby, but it's straight forward to make the 
concept you described in java.


On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 7:19:28 PM UTC+1, Adam McMahon wrote:
> >>You'll need to ensure security, using json web tokens for example
> I have never used spark, looks fun (bad name for a project considering 
> apache spark dominates the "spark" name). I was thinking Jetty would be 
> pretty ideal, and/or restlet.  I also like Grizzly.  Vertx. is great, but 
> maybe overkill and would require too many dependencies.
> I was thinking that the http server could optionally be run using an SSL 
> connector (JSSE SSL).  Most micro-server frameworks make pretty easy to use 
> ssl.  This should sufficiently  handle security over the wire.
> The format for querying the http server could be something like this in 
> {
>     user: 'dbUserName',
>     pass: 'password',
>     sql: "slect * from users where name=? AND isIdiot=?",
>     params: ['Adam', true]
> }
> the response would just be an json array of rows.
> The server could be run standalone something like this:
> java -jar httpH2.jar  -options <options.json>
> The options.json would contain information like follwoing:
> - path to DB:port
>  -user name, password of h2 database
> - embedded or TCP  (if embedded, the http server would run H2, else it 
> will simply connect to an existing H2 TCP server over JDBC
> - ip whitelist - list of ips that can access the http server
>  -http port 
>  - etc
> On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 6:13:28 AM UTC-5, Christian MICHON wrote:
>> on point 2: it can be easily done with spark ( not apache 
>> spark) + jooq
>> You'll need to ensure security, using json web tokens for example.
>> On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 3:47:33 AM UTC+1, Adam McMahon wrote:
>>> Hi Group,
>>> i am considering a project that may require me to connect to an H2 
>>> database froma non-JVM language (in this case php). I know the postgres 
>>> driver might work and querus is an option, but I would like to consider a 
>>> more general option: an http connector.
>>> It should be pretty easy to create a HTTP-JDBC bridge (perhaps an 
>>> afternoon of work) that accepts a a post request (with a json payload 
>>> describing the query) and return a json array of the results.  A simple 
>>> servlet would do the trick that acts as a type of proxy to an underlying 
>>> JDBC connection.
>>> My question is:
>>> [1] Perhaps this is already done in the web-console?  Is there 
>>> documentation for how the server of the web-console could be used as a more 
>>> general API over HTTP for H2?
>>> [2] Do you think anyone else would have use for this outside of my 
>>> private projects?  I could fairly easily create a standalone sever (perhaps 
>>> using embedded jetty) that would allow someone to  extend an H2 database 
>>> over http. A few security things would need to be worked out, but it seems 
>>> straight-forward.  This may be nice as it would open H2 to a variety of non 
>>> JDBC languages (node.js, perl, php), using simple REST-like http 
>>> requests...thoughts?
>>> -Adam

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