PreparedStatement.setBytes() and PreparedStatement.setObject() with byte[] 
argument pass a BINARY VARYING value to H2 (in some other drivers they may 
pass a BINARY value, the JDBC specification allows such behavior too). It 
obliviously can't be used for very long arrays.

PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream() passes a BINARY LARGE OBJECT value to 
H2 and accepts long streams. Did you really test it? I can't reproduce such 
exception with this method, if you can, please, provide a complete test 
case without third-party dependencies.
JDBC also has a Blob interface (Connection.createBlob()) with 
Blob.setBytes() method where you can pass longer array too.

JDBC specification doesn't specify any adjustments for behavior of its 
methods depending on the type of assigned column. JDBC provides only 
possibility to retrieve the expected type of parameter from an application, 
but it isn't always known, because prepared statement or callable statement 
may use parameters inside expressions where different types of values are 
supported. Application must choose the proper method to pass a value by 
itself. If data type of a passed value doesn't exactly match with type of 
assigned column, DBMS perform an usual implicit cast.

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