And stupidly I forgot the link to the github project. Here it is:

On Friday, September 1, 2023 at 2:48:44 PM UTC+2 Ronery Coder wrote:

> Good day!
> I burned some time to write Java code which tests H2 database transaction 
> behaviour through Spring Data JDBC. Well documented. Nothing particularly 
> complex or groundbreaking, just JUnit tests to experiment with. This may be 
> of interest to people who want to do their own tests.
> This project contains the tests, along with two other subjects, namely an 
> exercise involving agents who communicate via the H2 database and an 
> exercise that verifies that Java Instants are indeed properly stored and 
> retrieved.
> What to report on the exploration of transactions:
>    1. I have been unable to generate the "Phantom Read" phenomenon in 
>    isolation level ANSI "REPEATABLE READ" . This may be because H2 
>    preventatively nixes it at that level, where it is supposed to still 
> occur. 
>    It's possible, depending on how transactions are implemented. Or I just 
>    don't use a predicate that is complex enough.
>    2. Trying to elicit "Non-Repeatable Read" and "Phantom Read" phenomena 
>    at isolation level ANSI "READ COMMITTED", we find that the phenomena are 
>    unexpectedly *absent* in ~0.18% of cases, apparently randomly: H2 
>    implements stronger transactions than expected. I *don't* think it is my 
>    test code that is the reason, but then again, I'm not sure.
>    3. There is some problem in Spring Data JDBC "translating" an 
>    `org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLTimeoutException`, leading to the user code receiving 
> a 
>    confusing `org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException` 
> with 
>    the message `JDBC rollback failed`. This should probably be fixed at the 
>    Spring level.
>    4. H2 is quite radical in generating "deadlock exceptions" 
>    (`org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLTransactionRollbackException`). As long as two 
>    transaction T1 and T2 were active concurrently, T1 wrote X, then committed 
>    and T2 read or wrote _something_ then (after T1's commit), writes X too, a 
>    deadlock is detected. If I reflect on what could go wrong in such 
>    scenarios, I don't see the reason for throwing. Is H2 just extremely 
>    pessimistic/conservative?

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