Hi Mahima,
You did not even mention, if you are usin in-memory or persistent database, 
your connection URL should be the first thing to post. Database version 
would be helpful too.
If you suspect memory leak - H2 is just another java library, so follow 
standard best practices to detect JVM memory leaks (profiler, etc). If you 
increase java heap size and it did not change a thing - that sounds 
suspicious, at least time to reach unresponsive state should increase. When 
you say "optimize for large datasets", what does it mean exactly? 1.5 - 2 
million rows does not sound like a lot, unless your table is very wide or 
there are blobs involved. What else, besides H2 exists in the same process?
I doubt, that without answers to those questions anyone would be able to 
give you any kind of a meaningful advice.

On Friday, July 19, 2024 at 6:02:03 AM UTC-4 Mahima Chaubey wrote:

> Hello , 
> We are encountering frequent Java heap space issues approximately every 1 
> 1/2 hours after restarting the service. By the end of the day, our H2 
> database accumulates between 50 to 60 lakh (5 to 6 million) rows. However, 
> the database starts becoming unresponsive when it reaches only 15 to 20 
> lakh (1.5 to 2 million) rows.
> *Service Functionality Overview:* Our service fetches data from a 
> third-party API and stores it in the H2 database throughout the day. This 
> process is repeated frequently. Ideally, our setup should handle this 
> workload seamlessly. However, after fetching data around 4 to 5 times 
> (approximately 15 lakh records), we start encountering Java heap space 
> errors. Even simple operations like querying the count(*) become impossible.
> We have tried increasing the server's CPU cores and memory allocation, but 
> the issue persists.
> *Request for Assistance:* We suspect there might be a memory leak issue 
> with H2 database causing these problems. Could you please advise on:
>    - Steps to diagnose and mitigate potential memory leaks in H2 database?
>    - Best practices or configurations to optimise H2 database performance 
>    with large datasets?
> Any guidance or support you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 
> Thank you for your attention to this matter.
> Best regards,
> Mahima
> ..

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