Me llega y os re-transmito un mensaje desde un colectivo amigo sobre un 
evento absolutamente friki y, de consecuencia, super interesante ;-)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [Kintopp] PureData Jam session
Date:   Sun, 10 May 2009 20:58:02 +0200
From:   fotorebelion <>
Reply-To:       asemblea del colectivo kintopp 
To:     Kintopp-lista <>

el Sábado 23 de Mayo a las 20h vamos a celebrar un open Jam session de 
músicos libres.. La única norma es que hay que tener PureData, y empezar 
tu patch desde cero en el escenario. No puedes traer nada preparado!

Venid y demuestra tus conocimientos y pacthea con nosotras!!

 20h, mayo 23,  @ Intermediae/ Matadero..


The "Blank pages" score, describes the situation in 4 points: 1- Each 
participant has to use one of the two programming language written by 
Miller Puckette, Pure Data or Max/MSP. 2- The session length is fixed to 
60 min. 3- Participants need to start a session with an empty 
programming page. 4- It is strictly forbidden to load or recall any 
program during the session.

Each participant has a computer and one of the mentioned applications, 
and elaborates a program that will make sound and/or video. Max/MSP and 
Pure Data programming languages permit to write and modify applications 
in a live situation, while continuing to work on the application itself, 
therefore one can code and immediately listen to this code result. There 
are no links between the computers, the participants have to listen and 
watch the others in order to play together. With the score and the four 
instructions, the listening is stimulated, and the quality of the 
audio-visual production becomes everyone's responsibility.

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