On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 02:18:18PM +0200, Felix Kronlage wrote:
> hi,

> i was wondering about the scope of aeriebsd and what kind of
> stuff is welcome in the tree.

the scope is to hack on stuff.

> I would really like to see some of the usb stuff being synced with
> the other bsds, which is something I like doing. Is this kind
> of stuff wanted or not?

if you want to maintain drivers for the hardware
you can test and maybe even use (; that is of course olrite.

however (as it has been pointed out on www) there is a number
of things that need to be done to make first release.
technically speaking you cannot even use a system on it's own now...
    paranoic mickey       (my employers have changed but, the name has remained)

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