Package Deal!
Adobe Acrobat X + Office 2010 Pro

Exx. perience the f; ull power of Acrob; at Dynamic PDF. Combine a wide variety 
of file tpyes including video, audio, and interacctive med. ia into a polis] 
hed, professional PDF Portfolio. Creeate fillable PDDF forms to collect 
critical data. Apply psaswords an; d permissions.  to protect your work. 
AAvailable for PC.

WAS $9. 99.95
. Your Price $104.95 - Check it out!

Package Deal!
Photoshop E; xtended + EElements 9

CS5 Extended software helps you create the ultimate imaages for print, the web, 
and video. Enjoy state-of-the-aart edit ing, compositing, and pa inting capa] 
bilities and experience fast perfformannce thanks to cross-platform 64-bit 
support] .  Create 3D extrusions for logoss, artwork. Available for PC.

 WAS $1299.95
Cheeck it out! - Yo. u; r  P; rice $154.95

Adobe .  Master  Collection CS5

Tell your story ussinng Adobe's full range of creative too] ls with CS 5 Master 
Colllection. Move projects easily among applicat] ions for pri nt, web, and 
interactive design. Take them to v. ideo producttion and create stunning motion 
graphic s and efffects. Av a] ilalbe  for Mac or PPCC.

WAS $2599.95
Your Price 174.95 - Check it out!

Adobe InDesign CS5

InDesign CS5  softw are provides;  pre icse control ov er  typography and 
built-in creative tools for designing, preflig. hting, and publishing documents 
for print, online, or to mobile devices . Bring documents and presentatoins to 
life with interactivity, animation, sound, and video. Avaliable for PC.

 WAS $699.9] 5
Check it out] ! - Yoour Price $99.95

Adobee Dreammweaver CS5

Work visual ly or directlyy in code, develop w/your existing conte nt ma 
nagement system like WordPress, Joolma!, or Drupal, and design prdouctively 
w/CSS tool; s. iSmplify advanced webb development w/support  for Subverison 
software. Available for P C or Mac.

WAS ; $399.95
Your Price $59..95 - Check it out!

Adobe Flash Pro CS5

Flash CS5 software ] is the industry-lleading ennviroonment for interactive 
authoring and delivery oof ; immersivve experiences that are.  presented co; 
nsistently across computers, mobile device. s, and screens of v] irtually any 
size/resolution. Available foor Mac or PC.

 WAS $699.95
Check it out! - Your Price $49.95


Adobe Photoshop Lightro om 3

Create incredible images that move your audience. Expe] riment fearlessly with 
state-of-the-art nondestruuctive ; editing ttools, includding world-class  noi; 
se reducti; on. Easilly manage all you; r images. Show case work in elegant 
print layouts, videos w/mu sic, and on photo-sharing sites. Available for PC.

WAS $299.95
Your Price $49.95 - Check it out!

Adobe P; remiere CS5 x64

Bring high-performnace editing to next-egneration story] telling Premiere Pro 
CS5 s] oftware  offers breakthrough performance for video production, enabling 
you to work dramatically faster  thanks to the revolutionary native 64-bit, 
GPU-accel erated Playback Engine. A vailable f; or Mac or PC.

.  WAS $799..95
Check it out! - Your Price $84.95

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