is on the faces of those who are in the members of Osiris. Ye shall not hold
have not acted [or judged] hastily. Hail, Serekhi, who comest forth from Unth, I
The Osiris the scribe Ani adoreth Osiris, Lord of Rasta, and the Great Company
libations, and my hinder parts are made clean with the things which make clean,
flourishing condition. I am Horus, the Avenger of his Father, and I bring the  
among the Star-gods, Thoth, [the son of Aner], coming forth from Anerti shall
of the Great God].
APPENDIX (From the Pyramid of Pepi I, ll. 565ff.)
accordance with the instructions which are found in the books of Prince  shall 
go round about him, and shall acknowledge him. He shall be one of them.
the Fiend (Sebau) gain the mastery over me, let me not be driven away from the
"Mehurt is the great Celestial Water, but others say that Mehurt is the image of
He (Keb) hath seen his splendours, he hath decreed for him the guidance of the
And the Majesty of the god Anpu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of the

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The name of her Doorkeeper is Henti-Reqiu.
And thou shalt say: I have come, I have advanced hastily. I cast light upon his
Tem-Khepera who produced himself on the thighs of his divine mother. Those who
cruel fingers, and who would slay those who are in the following of Osiris." 
May  and oblations, namely, on the festival which is celebrated on the sixth 
day of
(From the Paprys of Nebseni, Sheet 3)
he may live with you every day.
persen cakes, and thou shalt come forth and shalt enter in at thy desire, even  
against me in the presence of the Great God, the Lord of Amentet. Homage to
those who praise him. I am the Knot of the god in the Aser tree, the twice
who are in thy presence, and let the Osiris Nu enter into their assembly. He
the divine food of the Company of the Gods; may I sit down with them; may my
beholdeth thy rays; the people who have been long dead come forth with cries of 

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