Note to Geeks:

Some observations on layout and design, as always IMHO:

In designing the "look and feel" (per "touchy/feely" marketing-type people)
of the public interfaces, remember that the demographics your hoping to
serve trancends young "wired" (in more ways than one?), net and open source
savvy types. In fact, that cohort will most likely be the minority of users.
If you haven't already, check out Aldon's poll:

I know, not a radom sample, but it serves my point here. To a liberal boomer
yuppie that haunts and pays for AOL (!?!), the typical
minimalist and rather stark look of open source package sites like drupal
appear cheap, boring and probably a bit alienating. Justified or no, that
bias is recognized by "madison avenue" and it's why they spend billions on
carefully concocted layouts that beckon to and ensnare their desired market;
and it works.

So, it's conceivable that if you've lost the hacker handle to lure grandma,
you may yet lose her with a somewhat "anarchist welcome mat" of a layout.

These are not my personl preferences/bias, but I've been building web UIs
for public and private outfits for 10 yrs now and these matters are taken
VERY seriously I assure you.

So as the final calls are made for the public site(s), try to get in
grandma's skin(yuk!) for a few and chew it over (my comments, not the skin)
a bit before the final layout specs go in the can.


<--enter gratuitous quotation that implies my profundity here-->

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