Speaking of maps -

I've been working on a quick sample map with interactivity associated with
it. You'll need to download the Adobe SVG plugin
(http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/beta.html) (I'll set it up later so
that this could be done automatically), and then open up from my own site:


When I'm done with it, you'll be able to upload any information into the map
-- Meetup members, dollars received per state, population figures, listings
of events by state, and so forth. Let me know what you thin.

-- Kurt

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Shannon Little
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 11:36 AM
Subject: [hackers] Site name considerations...

It's a good idea to be forward thinking regarding how the name is going 
to sound and look when referred to on the site and by potential 
members.  This is part of the reason I really like Dean Country.  The 
site could have a nice flash into saying something like "Now entering 
Dean Country...."  and a welcome message: "Welcome to Dean Country" , A 
"Dean Country Map"  that could be visual with an image of the US where 
people could click on their state to find local sites.  These are just 
a few ideas that would fit nicely into a site theme using deancountry. 

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