Hi Klemens,

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 05:29:47PM +0000, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> cc596365a (unbolify dmenu) "breaks" some of the patches provided at
> tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches. Basically 's,bool,int' was all I had
> to do besides some offset correction. Since this is the first time I'm
> dealing with dmenu's source I do not guarantee anything, but it compiles
> fine, though. Making them apply without errors ontop of latest git was
> all I did, no changes in functionality or whatsoever.

The entire website is a Git repository (http://suckless.org/wiki). You
can clone it, update the patches then push the diffs which will
eventually be reviewed by someone with commit privileges on the live


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