On Mon, Apr 04, 2016 at 02:46:18AM -0300, Thomas wrote:
> Also makes sense because pushing Esc isn't really a failure, but a
> purposefully aborted unlock attempt, so the background shouldn't be set

The main reason for the inclusion of the 'fail on clear' behaviour was so that
you could see if anyone tampered with the computer while it was locked:

 "while I was out getting a cup of tea, did I hear someone typing on my
  keyboard or was it just the paranoia pixies?"

This is a common problem for users of slock. Fail on clear addressed the issue.
Please note also that pressing backspace to empty the input buffer will result
in the failure colour being shown even though this "isn't really a failure"
either :)

In order to get the behaviour you're after, is there a problem with simply
setting failonclear to False in config.h? I understand the behaviour isn't
identical to your patch, but the "security" is the same. With this patch
applied, if Mallory failed to guess your password, he can just press Esc and
you're none the wiser.

> (Note: let me know if you prefer to pull from Github, I'm new to the
> list.)

Email+patch is the way to go.

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