
thanks for your patch!
What do you all think of adding this as a patch to the wiki?
Or is this rather something that more people wish of being included into the codebase?


On 20-11-11 Wed, Platon Ryzhikov wrote:
This is especially useful for ARM SoCs with different cores

components/cpu.c | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++------
config.def.h     |  4 +++-
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/components/cpu.c b/components/cpu.c
index 9e28003..c326297 100644
--- a/components/cpu.c
+++ b/components/cpu.c
@@ -7,16 +7,31 @@

#if defined(__linux__)
        const char *
-       cpu_freq(void)
+       cpu_freq(const char *range)
-               uintmax_t freq;
-               /* in kHz */
-               if (pscanf("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/"
-                          "scaling_cur_freq", "%ju", &freq) != 1) {
+               uintmax_t freq, sum_freq;
+               static unsigned int i, cpu0, ncpus;
+               sum_freq = 0;
+               /* define first cpu in cluster and their number */
+               if (!range) {
+                       cpu0 = 0;
+                       ncpus = 1;
+               } else if (sscanf(range, "%u %u", &cpu0, &ncpus) != 2) {
                        return NULL;

+               for (i = cpu0; i < cpu0 + ncpus; i += 1) {
+                       /* in kHz */
+                       if 
+                                  "scaling_cur_freq", i), "%ju", &freq) != 1) {
+                               return NULL;
+                       }
+                       sum_freq += freq;
+               }
+               freq = (double)sum_freq/(double)ncpus;
                return fmt_human(freq * 1000, 1000);

diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index e06be66..6554bb3 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ static const char unknown_str[] = "n/a";
 * battery_remaining   battery remaining HH:MM         battery name (BAT0)
 *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
 * cpu_perc            cpu usage in percent            NULL
- * cpu_freq            cpu frequency in MHz            NULL
+ * cpu_freq            cpu frequency in MHz            string "first_cpu ncpus"
+ *                                                     "0 2" means cpu0+cpu1
+ *                                                     NULL on OpenBSD/FreeBSD
 * datetime            date and time                   format string (%F %T)
 * disk_free           free disk space in GB           mountpoint path (/)
 * disk_perc           disk usage in percent           mountpoint path (/)

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