On Fri, 29 Apr 2022 20:39:51 +0200
Jochen Sprickerhof <suckl...@jochen.sprickerhof.de> wrote:

Dear Jochen,

> There is actually a dmenu fork here:
> https://github.com/michaelforney/dmenu
> The diff does not look too big and afair it was working for me some
> time ago. I think it would be great to provide an implementation for
> Wayland.

Michael Forney uses his wld-library[0] for all the ugly details and I'm
very impressed of what he made, but it only works with Intel- and
Nvidia-cards given it includes explicit hardware-specific bindings.

I wonder how affected Wayland-EGL-whatnot-code is by code-rot, though,
and how easy it is to integrate in a Makefile without too much
build-magic. I also wonder why you need to have explicit
hardware-handling, but maybe Michael was trying not to depend on Mesa
or something.

With best regards



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