
> >  void
> >  sigchld(int unused)
> >  {
> > +   if (signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld) == SIG_ERR)
> > +           die("can't install SIGCHLD handler:");
> >     while (0 < waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG));
> >  }
> Calling `die` inside a signhandler is still an issue and can produce
> bad behavior (I have seen a couple software which randomly freeze due to
> calling signal unsafe functions inside a sighandler).
> If `sigaction` can fix the issue with `signal` then it's probably best
> to use that. Otherwise replacing `die` with `write` and `_exit` is also
> a viable solution as shown in: 
> https://lists.suckless.org/hackers/2207/18405.html

Indeed. in both things, we should not use die() in a signal handler and using
signal to reinstall the handler opens a race condition window where we can lose
sigchld signals and generate zombies process.

I personally think that using a sigchld handler to collect zomby process
is a bad idea. I think it is POSIX that if you use an explicit signal call to
ignore SIGCHLD then the system reap them automatically without explicits
wait  [1]. I could not find this specification in the POSIX standard, but [2]

        POSIX.1-2001 specifies that if the disposition of SIGCHLD
        is set to SIG_IGN or the SA_NOCLDWAIT flag is set for SIGCHLD
        (see sigaction(2)), then children that terminate do not
        become zombies and a call to wait() or waitpid() will block
        until all children have terminated, and then fail with errno
        set to ECHILD.

So it seems it is standard since long time ago.

[2] https://corp.sonic.net/ceo/perl-sigchld-ignore-system-and-you/

Roberto Vargas,

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