I'm developing a software modem which requires to switch between RX and TX mode 
within a 1 second period.
I do all necessary stuff like hackrf_init(), connecting to board, etc, then I 
call hackrf_start_rx(). After 1 second I call hackrf_stop_rx() and then 
hackrf_start_tx(). After another one second I switch to RX same way.
It is working for some time until something goes wrong. I switch to RX but have 
no data transfering.

All libhackrf functions are returning HACKRF_SECCESS, transfer_threadproc() is 
running. But libusb_handle_events_timeout() at transfer_threadproc()  is not 
calling rx_callback function anymore. It stops by timeout.

If I exit my program and launch it again it's not working - no callbacks. It 
starts working after I push the reset button on the device. But then after some 
time this problem appears again.

I've tried to search the mailing list for same problems, but the only one entry 
I found had no response. So I need some help. Thanks.

Alexander Shevelev
HackRF-dev mailing list

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