After further investigation, and looking at re-run results of the benchmarks, I change my vote to +1.

Sort on 500 nodes, re-run #1: 2.43 hrs
Sort on 500 nodes, re-run #2: 2.36 hrs


Mukund Madhugiri wrote:
I am voting -1 for this as I am seeing performance degradation in the Sort benchmarks with 500 nodes. I expect to have an update on the performance problem by tomorrow.

Here is the data on the performance degradation:
Time taken for Sort benchmark on 500 nodes:
- Oct 23: 2.4 hrs
- Oct 25: 2.3 hrs (candidate 0)
- Nov 01: 2.7 hrs (candidate 1)

NOTE: 2.7 hrs is the highest in all the runs over the last month.

Testing done:
Unit tests  (on candidate 0 and candidate 1):
   - Windows
   - Linux

The following benchmark jobs were run on 20, 100 and 500 nodes on candidate 1. The benchmarks were additionally run on the 900 nodes with candidate 0.
   - TestDFSIO
   - MRBench (aka SmallJobs)
   - NNBench
   - Sort (RandomWriter, Sort, SortValidation)


Doug Cutting wrote:
I've created a new candidate build for Hadoop 0.15.0.

Should we release this?


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