On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Ron Artstein wrote:

> > Hi,
> > The W2L site is up at it's standard address
> > (http://www.haifux.org/newcomers/). The linuxday site is up at a temporary
> > address (http://www.haifux.org/newcomers/linuxday/). Please send me all
> > comments about the site.
> A few typos in the linuxday site:
> first paragraph, second word "hamasoret" switched resh and vav
> second paragraph, forgotten space before parentheses "(for free)"

> third paragraph, broken link "directions and map": "/map" should be
>   "/index.html#themap"
Changed to "#map"

> under "prepare your computer": forgotten spaces before parentheses
>   "(partitions)" and "(defragmentation)"

> under "registration": broken link "registration form": "/register"
>   should be "/#register"
The link is OK, the page is now available (register.html)

> under "help us": broken link "promotional material"
Fixed missing anchor

> Some additional comments:
> Second paragraph under "installation" a bit technical, might scare
> people off.
It should be there anyhow. People want to know this.

> Third paragraph under "installation", second sentence: reference of
> "in it" ("bo") unclear.

> Under "hardware requirements", just to be pedantic: Linux is not
> limited to Intel x86 processors. Since we won't install on others,
> I don't think this is important.
> But regarding the requirement of a Pentium processor: what about
> Celeron and AMD processors? Do we exclude these?

> Regarding Windows defragmentation instructions: do the dialog boxes
> have Hebrew versions? If so, images of the Hebrew dialogs should be
> added for the benefit of people whose system is configured to show
> Hebrew dialogs.
  I don't have Hebrew Windows. If someone can send me the screenshots, I'll
put them online.

> The link to Egged: it only allows you to search *interurban* routes
> (this is all that Egged provides).
  I know, but it's still useful.

> > Especially, please comment on the new registration form for W2L:
> > http://www.haifux.org/newcomers/#register
> It's a good idea, and in the right place. One minor comment:  on
> the form, change 'imeyl' (in Hebrew) to 'doe"l' in order to be
> consistent with the rest of the page.

> > I need suggestions for the color scheme of the linuxday site.
> > The options are:
> > 1. Leave as-is (identical to the W2L site).
> This is my preference.
> But why does the Penguin have a black background?
It doesn't. What browser are you using?


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