Here are the notes Adir and I wrote down during the coordination meeting

* All the lectures are ready.

* RedHat Additions Disk - Almost Done (Lacks the Lectures) - RC1 (?)

* The title "Linux for the Technion Student" should be substituted to
"Software Development in Linux"

* "Terem Nikb'a" (under Basic Use) in the schedule should be substituted
to "Martzim Shonim".

* Convert Lectures so they would be viewable from the Hard-Disk.

* Orr is responsible for the Electricity and interaction with the Technion
Qabat. (=Head Security Officer)

* The Lecturers should send an E-mail to Orr about their Car Number, Car
Vendor, and Car Colour so they can park their car inside the Technion.

* A Panel of Experts ("Hakeh eth Hamumheh") should be set up to answer
people's questions regarding their Linux installations.

* Tags for all the Haifux members. (for everyone)

* Lectures of length one hour with overflow of up to 15 minutes.

* In RedHat the configuration tools are called redhat-config-* for the
lecture of the Basic Use.

* Check apt.

* Alon -> responsible for the laptops
       -> Link to "aida".

* Shlomif: talk to Edi Aronovich about the installation party in Tel Aviv.

* Each lecturer is reponsible for making sure he has a laptop for his
lecture (with Linux installed)

* Alon - install Mplayer and OpenOffice on the laptop he'll bring to the
Intro lecture.

* Alon - checks the readiness of the laptop a long time before the
lectures. (+ various possible lecturing halls)

* We decided there should be a common host in the lectures that would
introduce the lecturers and tell what the lecture is about. Orna has been
volunteered to be the host (with fallback on Orr).

* We should have laptops for all the lectures.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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An apple a day will keep a doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two
doctors away.

        Falk Fish

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