On Friday 06 February 2004 02:45, Eli Billauer wrote:
> And this is where we reach the philosophic question: How do you know? ;)

Remind me of a different and sad mail-related problem I ran across.
I lately have started using kmail (for its hebrew support) after backing up
my mail directory (since kmail uses maildir/mbox and my previous MUA
used mh/mbox). It worked reasonably, so I have been using it for the
last several months. Two weeks ago something interesting happened:

  - My /home partition ran out of space (several big core files suddenly
    filled the last free ~100MB).
  - While kmail failed to write the new mails it opened warning dialogs
    for each failure (all of a sudden 5-10 dialogs appeared during mail
  - However, it happily vacuummed /var/spool/mail/oron :-O

So I've restarted my quest for a decent MUA. May go back to sylpheed
which is excelent, but no hebrew -- GTK-1.x app :-(

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
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