Next Monday (23/2/2004), 18:30, the Haifa Linux Club will once
again meet to hear Oron Peled talk about:

                        Advanced Autoconf

This lecture covers the usage of four important build tools (autoconf,
autoheader, automake, libtool). We assume that attendees have some basic
knowledge of make(1) and the C language/compiler. There are two parts:

    * 1. Overview of the tools with short "class type" examples. This part
should be easy enough for non-experienced people.
    * 2. A live demo of real world usage for "autoconfiscation" of
non-trivial software package.

After the lecture, those who wish will sign public gpg (pgp) keys. If you
want to get your key signed, bring the following:

 *A copy (better - several copies ) of your key's fingerprint.
 *A photo ID
 *A pen(cil)
 *Some paper.

For more information about public keys and parties can be found at the URL

Afterwards, we will go out to grab a bite.

We meet in the Technion, Taub 3. See
for arrival details.

You are all invited!

Future lectures include:

Staying in Linux - Shell by Orna Agmon 1/3/2004
Multilingual TeX by Ron Artstein 8/3/2004
Staying in Linux - CVS by Tzahi Fadida on 15/3/2004
Hebrew Fonts: History and Technology by Maxim Iorsh on 22/3/2004
Staying in Linux - Trust and Open Source by Alon Altman on 29/3/2004
Ingo Molnar's O(1) scheduler by Erez Hadad on 19/4/2004
Staying in Linux - Firewall with IPtables by Adir Abraham on 3/5/2004
Firewall with IPtables by Adir Abraham on 10/5/2004
Web hacking for fun and profit Alon Altman 24/5/2004
Linux kernel 2.6 by Muli Ben Yehuda 7/6/2004
User Mode Linux by Muli Ben-Yehuda 21/6/2004

We are always looking for interesting lecture ideas. Have a subject
you want to talk about? or a subject you'd like to hear someone else
talk about? email us.
Orna Agmon

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