On 4/30/05, Eli Billauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Shachar Raindel wrote:
>>  On 4/27/05, Eli Billauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  Hello all,
>>> I'm capturing a video stream with a command-line tool, which sends the
>>> data stream to standard output. Now this is written to a disk, only the
>>> disk access is at times too slow (the average speed is more than OK,
>>> though).
>>> Now, since I use a common UNIX pipe to store the file (tee, actually),
>>> the disk blocks, and the stream is broken. So I thought: Hmmm, how about
>>> a simple application, which allocates, say, 16 MB of non-pageable RAM
>>> (peanuts in today's terms), behaving like a simple data FIFO, which I
>>> put in the pipeline? This would give plenty of time solve whatever is
>>> more urgent than writing to the disk.
>>> I would write such an application, but for some reason I'm sure someone
>>> has done that before me. Anyone has an idea?
>>  Try looking at the following:
>> A. bfr, whose homepage seems to dissappear but still available from
>> many distros (apt-get install bfr)
>> B. mbuffer, from
>> http://www.rcs.ei.tum.de/~maierkom/privat/software/mbuffer/
>> , which
>> seems to do what you want
>> C. buffer (I have no idea from where, just apt-get install buffer),
>> which also does exactly what you want.
>  Thank you.
>  If looks like mbuffer is the thing. Wasn't your intention to publish your
> answer...?

Oooops, should learn to click reply-all instead of replay.... 
CCing Haifux, to publish my answer...


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