Hi Meir,

Can you also talk about how to insert SSE/MMX intrinsics inside C/++ code with gcc? Those were almost #1 optimizations when I wroked at Intel..


On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about a lecture about speed optimizations,
this may include many things:
* Optimizations in general, what takes time, how much and why.
* a tour of gcc optimizer flags.
* profiling basics, gprof.
* language specific tips&tricks (I would only qualify to speak on c,c++ &

and possibly what is really a seprate subject is SQL/DB optimizations,
a general overview can be done in a DB independent form,
any details will require choosing a data-base.

With in a lecutre time-frame it may also be possible to
spead up one or two real word tasks, and show how diffrent techniques affect


Quoting Orna Agmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi All,

In case you have not noticed, the queue is completely empty. This Monday
we have guy keren, and then - emptiness. Quiet. Darkness. People do not
dream, so Fantasia is dwindelling...

Seriously now: we need lectures, the next one is in two weeks and a half.

Please come up with lecture offers.

Orna Agmon http://ladypine.org/  http://haifux.org/~ladypine/
ICQ: 348759096

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