Orna Agmon wrote:
> Hi All,
> My system was recently updated from Red Hat Enterprize 3 to RHE4, this
> update including an updated of vim, from 6.1.320 to 6.3.82.
> Now, with the new vim, many nice features were lost:
> *syntax highlighting
> *automatically viewing gzip compressed files
> *directory browsing
> *remembering the last search string
> *remembering, for each file, the line I was at.

Make sure you start vim as vim and not vi, when started as vi it starts
in a vi compatible mode which makes for hours of fun. (ok, a few seconds
only, after which you do <ESC>:q)

Another poster said the defaults for vim changed between RHE3 and 4 you
might want to find an existing install of RHE3 and revive the config
from it to get full benefits of the old config.

Alternatively you can find the commands for the various features and add
them to your very own .vimrc

First you can do:

set nocompatible

> *syntax highlighting

syntax on

> *automatically viewing gzip compressed files

In my debian vim there is a gzip plugin, It's a bit too large for the
mailing list, you can find the package source at

> *remembering the last search string

set history=50          " keep 50 lines of command line history

> *remembering, for each file, the line I was at.

set viminfo='20,\"50    " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more
                        " than 50 lines of registers

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